* Serializer plugin for Sketchable | v1.0 | Luis A. Leiva | MIT license
// XXX: Requires `sketchable.utils.js` to be loaded first.
/* eslint-env browser */
/* global Event, dataBind, deepExtend */
;(function(window) {
// Custom namespace ID, for private data bindind.
var namespace = 'sketchable';
* Serializer plugin constructor for Sketchable instances.
* @param {Sketchable} instance - Sketchable element.
* @namespace Sketchable.plugins.serializer
Sketchable.prototype.plugins.serializer = function(instance) {
// Expose public API: all Sketchable instances will have these methods.
deepExtend(instance, {
// Namespace methods to avoid collisions with other plugins.
serializer: {
* Save canvas data as JSON string.
* @return {string} Serialized canvas data.
* @memberof Sketchable.plugins.serializer
* @example
* var contents = sketchableInstance.serializer.save();
save: function() {
var data = dataBind(instance.elem)[namespace];
// Save only the required properties.
// Also avoid circular JSON references.
return JSON.stringify({
options: data.options,
strokes: data.strokes,
actions: data.sketch.callStack,
* Load canvas from JSON string.
* @param {string} jsonStr - JSON data saved with {@link Sketchable.plugins.serializer.save} method.
* @return {Sketchable} Sketchable element.
* @memberof Sketchable.plugins.serializer
* @example
* sketchableInstance.serializer.load(jsonStr);
load: function(jsonStr) {
var data = dataBind(instance.elem)[namespace];
var origData = JSON.parse(jsonStr);
var mySketch = data.sketch;
for (var i = 0; i < origData.actions.length; i++) {
var entry = origData.actions[i];
if (entry.property && typeof entry.value !== 'object') {
// Update graphics properties.
mySketch.data[entry.property] = entry.value;
} else if (entry.method) {
mySketch[entry.method].apply(mySketch, entry.args);
} else {
console.warn('Unknown call:', entry);
// Update required properties.
data.sketch.callStack = origData.actions.slice();
data.strokes = origData.strokes.slice();
data.options = origData.options;
return instance;